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St. Cloud Office donates to veterans’ housing program

The St. Cloud office gave a $1,000 charitable contribution check to the Al Loehr Housing for Veterans and Community Studio Apartments, a Catholic Charities St. Cloud facility. Lana Faber, program coordinator at Catholic Charities St. Cloud, accepted the check along with 45 pillows from the office’s Pillow Fight drive. The pillows will be shared with the Al Loehr Housing for Veterans program, DOMUS House and Emily’s Place, all housing-related services associated with St. Cloud Catholic Charities. Click here to read the Lana Faber’s letter of thanks.

The office donated its remaining 71 pillows to the St. Cloud Salvation Army’s 69-bed, emergency shelter. A big thank you to all the agents and employees for their generosity and giving spirit, which made these donations possible.

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